Crop-Set is an innovative crop nutrition product incorporating fermentation technology that is unique worldwide and high-quality nutrients. Impro-Set’s formula is based on research specialised in the action of yeast extracts.
It is based on Alltech technology and specialises in optimising crop performance and quality characteristics
- Ensures hormonal balance in plants.
- Enhances the metabolic and photosynthetic activity of plants.
- Provides nutrients to enhance the metabolic processes of plants.
- Reduces abiotic stress.
- Limits the yield gap rate.
- Improves produce quality and its post-harvest lastingness.
Crop-Set can be applied to a wide range of crops (horticulture, field crops, tree crops, vineyards, ornamental plants etc.).
General dose:
- 0,6 L / hectare, foliar application.
*Product approved for use in organic farming in EU countries, based on EU Directive 2092/91