The specialized formulation Stim Max – a product of high concentration in natural growth hormones, becomes a powerful tool in the hands of the producer, to assist his crop, in critical phenological stages, such as flowering and fruiting.
Stim Max’s specialised formulation balances the plant hormonally and reduces the effects of abiotic stress.
In addition to its high content of the 3 essential plant growth hormones, it is also a rich source of Salicylic Acid (SA).
What do we achieve in cotton from the application of Stim Max?
- Balanced plant growth
- Enhanced fruit set
- Zero fruit loss due to adverse climatic conditions (abiotic stress)
- Good growth of the base nuts of the plant, an indicator that ‘locks in’ maximum production
- Uniform growth of the nuts up to the top
- Enhanced yield and quality of the fibre
Interfoliar applications of Stim max, in cotton cultivation, from the stage of first comb appearance, at a dosage of 50 cc/stremma.
In the photos above:
Partner: PROTEAS
Crop: Cotton 402 Pioneer.
Problem: Lygus patensis L. infestation in the first combs.
Yield: 450 kg/stremma.
Remark: Even in the presence of the above problem, there was achievement of high growth of nuts to the top, with high yields!