A uniquely successful combination of viticultural nutrition!
As we head towards the critical germination and flowering stages for most grape varieties, we must not forget that the inter-foliar applications of specialized nutrition products & biostimulants – growth regulators, at these stages, are quite important for the normal growth of the stump.
PHYTOTHREPTIKI S.A., has developed a comprehensive program of inter-foliar viticultural nutrition, providing the necessary tools in the hands of the producer for:
- Healthy growth of the flowering vertebrae.
- Improved flowering & fertilization (Normal pollen tube & ovary development).
- Enhanced fruit set.
- Reduction of blossom drop and fruit drop.
- Further increase in yield and quality.
Stage 3 – 4 leaves:
STIM 82 MGX: Unique formulation of 82% free Amino Acids in micrococcal form, derived from hydrolysis of natural proteins.
It is applied to increase the metabolic activity of the stump and enhance the assimilation of nutrients.
VIOMIX SUPER: Complete inter-foliar crop nutrition product, rich in Nitrogen, Potassium, Magnesium and trace elements of high assimilability.
It is applied to meet the nutritional requirements of trace elements.
Inflorescence appearance:
BEST 10 – 50 – 10: The fertilizers of the BEST range, PGH technology, are the result of a continuous effort of our company to develop a water-soluble fertilizer, which meets the characterization “All in One”.
It is applied with the specific formula to supply the plant with the necessary energy and the appropriate trace elements.
VIOMIX ACTIVE & VIOMIX Zn: Ideal inter-foliar products to nourish crops requiring Boron and Zinc.
It is applied to enhance flowering and fruiting.
Inflorescence size 10 – 15 cm:
VITAZYME: Premium biostimulant – natural product of extract of various plant species.
Applied to increase photosynthetic and enzyme activity of the stump.
MEGAKELP: Specialized organic product of Macroelements, Trace elements, Fulvic acids and Growth Regulators.
It is applied to enhance flowering and fruiting.
Vassilis Koutsougeras,
Agronomist MSc