Bonus & Agro-Top
The series of water-soluble Bonus & Agro-Top fertilisers are a basic and long-lasting foundation of the large list of our products. They concern fertilizers rich, reliable and timeless in terms of their nutritional value.
The careful selection of high purity and solubility raw materials, the low pH, the absence of Chlorine and diurea and the presence of EDTA chelated micronutrients, make the series of water-soluble Bonus & Agro-Top fertilisers, reliable and timeless nourishment tools in arboriculture and greenhouse crops.
They supply crops with all the necessary nutrients, deal directly with possible nutrient deficiency, quickly dissolve in water and are characterised by high flexibility, as they are available in a variety Bonus & Agro-Top of types and ratios.
In addition to the above characteristics, fertilizers are Chloride, Sodium, Heavy Metals and Diurea free. In addition, they can be applied both through irrigation systems on all soil types and by foliar application.