Stim Cytokelp, a specialised formulation focused on increasing the size of the fruit

Phytothreptiki’s product catalogue is constantly enriched, based on our constant commitment to innovation, expertise and differentiation.

Stim Cytokelp, a specialized hormonal balance formulation focused on increasing fruit size!

Stim Cytokelp is based on a high concentration of natural Cytokinetics (CKs), controlling the levels of Ethylene and Abscisic acid (ABA) production (stress hormones – plant aging hormones) and reducing abiotic stress.

At the same time, it affects the physiological and biochemical functions of the plant, inducing cell division and growth.

The application of Stim Cytokelp:

  1. Enhances the process of fruit setting and increase in fruit size.
  2. Significantly helps to restore pollen fertility under conditions of high heat stress.
  3. Increases cell division in the stages of high meristematic activity.
  4. Enhances photosynthetic activity of plants.
  5. Reduces the peak dominance effect, stimulating lateral growth and balancing the sink-source relationship to enhance fruitfulness.

Stim Cytokelp can be applied to all crops (horticultural, extensive, tree crops, vines, ornamentals, etc.)

Above, photos of almond fields, of the Ferragnes and Texas varieties, where Stim Cytokelp was applied to enhance fruit size increase, proving that the VALUE of plant Nutrition is reflected… in the result!

This result could not have been achieved without the valuable supervision and guidance of our agronomist and partner, John Corbetis.