Sustainability is a key pillar of our strategy. Through our proposals on rational crop nutrition, we create the right conditions for an integrated approach to crop management. Taking into account all the factors under which a crop grows, the correct knowledge of soil conditions becomes one of the most important. Because it allows us to… Continue reading Integrated crop management and sustainability!

Crop: Potato Problem: Mechanical stress from ruminants Solution: application with the specialised amino acid formulation Stim 82 MGX at a dosage of 100 gr /100L of spray solution Collaborator – Agronomist: Dimitris Douvalis

The specialized formulation Stim Max – a product of high concentration in natural growth hormones, becomes a powerful tool in the hands of the producer, to assist his crop, in critical phenological stages, such as flowering and fruiting. Stim Max’s specialised formulation balances the plant hormonally and reduces the effects of abiotic stress. In addition… Continue reading Stim Max, maximum added value for the producer!

Phytothreptiki’s product catalogue is constantly enriched, based on our constant commitment to innovation, expertise and differentiation. Stim Cytokelp, a specialized hormonal balance formulation focused on increasing fruit size! Stim Cytokelp is based on a high concentration of natural Cytokinetics (CKs), controlling the levels of Ethylene and Abscisic acid (ABA) production (stress hormones – plant aging… Continue reading Stim Cytokelp, a specialised formulation focused on increasing the size of the fruit

For the… BEST fertilizers for strawberry cultivation NOW and with new packaging! In the region of Ilia, under the auspices of our partner Mr. Dionysis Kefalas, the specialized water-soluble fertilizer BEST technology PGH, is extensively applied in strawberry cultivation, giving a significant technological advantage to the producer. The specificity of BEST fertilizer is based on… Continue reading THE VALUE OF NUTRITION – THE BEST in strawberry cultivation

Products used: Basic fertilization: Humozal 16-6-12 + 2MgO + 0.2Fe + 0.2Zn + 0.5B + 15% O.O. Surface fertilization: Neon 40-0-0 Interfoliar applications of specialized bio-stimulants: Stim MAX & Stim 82 MGX Remarks:

In citrus fruit markets, physical appearance and quality characteristics such as size, shape, colour, consistency, sugars and post-harvest duration are closely linked to consumer preferences, thus significantly influencing the economic value of the fruit. Both the maintenance and the enhancement of these characteristics are a primary cultivation objective for producers. Today, the possibility of using… Continue reading Easily absorbable, agile and effective Calcium for fruits!

What is it? It is the total water-soluble salts that accumulate in the surface and deeper layers of the soil. These salts are mainly Ca, Mg, Na, K and NH4 carbonates, bicarbonates, borates, sulphates, chlorides and nitrates, their relative proportions in the soil solution being of no particular significance in terms of salinity. Origin: these… Continue reading Soil salinity, theory & management